Born and raised in London, UK, Debra came to woodworking later in life. She has always had a keen eye and passion for art and design, and holds a degree in Art History from New York University. After having raised five children, it was time to explore the creative side to her passion, but doing so in her own time and unique style.
She started working with wood when designing and building furniture for the house. Debra realized that wood is very much a live material, that can change drastically depending on what you do with it, and so the love affair began.
Being self taught, it has been, and continues to be, an amazing process of discovery, both in terms of artistic creativity, as well as the inherent natural beauty and versatility of wood as a medium. Each piece is unique as the design evolves organically as she works the wood. Her most recent step on the road of artistic and creative discovery, is the integration of wood with metals.